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엔론 머스크는 TED의 수석 큐레이터 크리스 앤더슨과 함께 LA 밑에 터널을 만드는 새 프로젝트와, 테슬라와 Space X의 최신 기술, 그리고 화성에 미래를 건설하는 것에 대한 동기에 대한 이야기를 나눕니다.

원문보기 : https://www.ted.com/talks/elon_musk_the_future_we_re_building_and_boring


Chris Anderson: Elon, hey, welcome back to TED. It's great to have you here.
Chris Anderson: Elon, hey, welcome back to TED. It's great to have you here.
광할한 우주에서 생명체가 서식하는 행성을 찾기 위한 노력은 어떻게 진행될까요? 우리가 아는 범위내에서 생명체가 서식하려면 어떠한 것들이 필요할까요? 애리얼 앤바가 다른 행성에서 생명체를 찾는 것에 관한 체크리스트를 설명합니다. Ariel Anbar에 의해 수업이 진행되었고, TED-Ed에 의해 애니메이션이 제작되었습니다.

원문보기 : https://www.ted.com/talks/ariel_anbar_a_needle_in_countless_haystacks_finding_habitable_worlds


The universe contains about 100 billion galaxies. Each of those galaxies contains about 100 billion stars. Many of those stars have planets orbiting them. So how do we look for life in all that immensity? It's like searching for a needle in trillions of haystacks. We might want to focus our search on planets that we know can support life as we know it -- what we call habitable worlds. What do such planets look like? To answer that question, we don't look out there. Instead, we look at ourselves. At Earth. Because this is the one planet in the universe that we know for certain is habitable. When we look at Earth from space, we see a blue, watery world. It's no coincidence that three quarters of the surface is covered by oceans. Because of its unique chemical and physical properties, water is absolutely essential for all life as we know it. And so we get especially excited about other worlds on which water is abundant. Fortunately, water is very common in the universe. But life needs water in the form of liquid, not ice, and not vapor, and that's a little bit less common. For a planet to have liquid water at its surface, three things are important. First, the planet needs to be large enough that the force of gravity keeps the water molecules from flying off into space. For example, Mars is smaller than Earth, and so has less gravity, and that's one important reason that Mars has a very thin atmosphere, and no oceans at its surface. Second, the planet needs to have an atmosphere. Why? Because without an atmosphere, the planet is in a vacuum, and liquid water isn't stable in a vacuum. For example, our moon has no atmosphere, and so if you spill some water on the moon, it will either boil away as vapor, or freeze solid to make ice. Without the pressure of an atmosphere, liquid water can't survive. Third, the planet needs to be at the right distance from its star. Too close, and the surface temperature will exceed the boiling point of water, and oceans will turn to vapor. Too far, and the surface temperature will fall below the freezing point of water, causing the oceans to turn to ice. Fire or ice. For life as we know it, neither will suffice. You can imagine that the perfect zone where water stays liquid looks kind of like a belt around a star. We call that belt the habitable zone. So when we search for habitable worlds, we definitely want to look for planets in the habitable zones around their stars. Those regions are the best bets to find planets like Earth. But while habitable zones are a pretty good place to begin the search for planets with life, there are a couple of complications. First, a planet isn't necessarily habitable just because it's in the habitable zone. Consider the planet Venus in our solar system. If you were an alien astronomer, you'd think Venus is a pretty good bet for life. It's the right size, it has an atmosphere, and it's in the habitable zone of our sun. An alien astronomer might see it as Earth's twin. But Venus is not habitable, at least not at its surface. Not by life as we know it. It's too hot. That's because Venus' atmosphere is full of carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas. In fact, its atmosphere is almost entirely carbon dioxide, and is almost 100 times thicker than our own. As a result, the temperature on Venus is hot enough to melt lead, and the planet is dry as a bone. So finding planets of the right size and distance from their stars is only a beginning. We also want to know about the makeup of their atmospheres. The second complication emerges when we look a little more deeply at planet Earth. In the last 30 years, we've discovered microbes living in all sorts of extreme environments. We find them in fissures of rock miles beneath our feet, in boiling waters of the ocean floor, in acidic waters of thermal springs, and in cloud droplets miles above our heads. These so-called extremophiles aren't rare. Some scientists estimate that the mass of microbes living deep underground equals the mass of all the life at Earth's surface. These subterranean microbes don't need oceans or sunshine. These discoveries suggest that Earth-like planets may be only the tip of the astrobiological iceberg. It's possible that life might persist in aquifers beneath the surface of Mars. Microbes may thrive on Jupiter's moon Europa, where liquid water ocean probably lies beneath the icy crust. Another ocean beneath the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus is the source of geysers erupting into space. Could these geysers be raining microbes? Could we fly through them to find out? And what about life as we don't know it, using a liquid other than water? Maybe we are the crazy creatures living in an unusual and extreme environment. Maybe the real habitable zone is so large that there are billions of needles in those trillions of haystacks. Maybe in the big scheme of things, Earth is only one of many different kinds of habitable worlds. The only way to find out is to go out and explore.
식물은 놀라운 기계입니다. 수백만 년 동안 식물들은 공기 중의 이산화탄소를 흡수하여 땅 속에 저장함으로써 기후 변화를 억제해 왔습니다. 식물유전학자인 조안 코리는 '솔크 식물 분자 및 세포생물학 연구소(Salk Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory)'에서 동료들과 함께 식물의 억제력을 강화하는 방법을 연구하고 있습니다. 조안은 더 많은 탄소를 더 깊은 땅속에 수백 년간 저장할 수 있는 식물을 만들어냈습니다. 이 슈퍼 광합성 식물이 기후 변화를 둔화시키는 데 어떤 도움을 주는지 들어보세요. (이 야심찬 계획은 기후 변화 방지를 지원하는 TED의 Audacious Project의 일환입니다.)

원문보기 : https://www.ted.com/talks/joanne_chory_how_supercharged_plants_could_slow_climate_change


블랙홀은 우주에서 가장 파괴적인 물체들 중 하나입니다. 그 어떤 것이라도 블랙홀의 중심부로 너무 가까이 다가가면 그것이 소행성, 행성, 혹은 별이든 엄청난 중력장에 의해 갈기갈기 찢겨질 위험에 처하게 됩니다. 몇몇 사설에 의하면, 나중에는 우주가 블랙홀들만으로 이루어질 것이라고 합니다. 하지만 블랙홀을 파괴할 수 있는 방법은 없을까요? 파비오 파쿠치가 그 가능성을 파헤쳐 봅니다.

원문보기 : https://www.ted.com/talks/fabio_pacucci_can_a_black_hole_be_destroyed


팀 어반은 질질 끄는게 말되 안된다고 생각은 해왔지만, 언제나 마지막 순간까지 일을 미루는 습관을 버리질 못해왔다. 이 유쾌하고 유익한 대화에서, 어반은 유투브 몰아보기, 위키피디아 루프, 창문밖 하염없이 쳐다보기 등등에 대해서 이야기하고 우리가 마지막 순간까지도 질질 끌고 있는게 뭔지에 대해 깊게 생각하도록 만들것이다.

원문보기 : https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_urban_inside_the_mind_of_a_master_procrastinator

