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:: How to Build Your Creative Confidence
[ TED 영단어 ]
1) how a teacher shut them down or how a student was particularly cruel to them
→ 잔혹한, 잔인한, 고통스러운
ex) I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.
2) And I see that opting out that happens in childhood, and it moves in and becomes more ingrained, even by the time you get to adult life.
→ 뿌리 깊은, 깊이 몸에 밴, 찌든
ex) ingrained prejudices
3) we get to the point in the process that's fuzzy or unconventional
→ 관습에 얽매이지 않는; 색다른
ex) unconventional views
4) And so I went to see him because he has just worked on phobias for a long time, which I'm very interested in.
→ 공포증
ex) He has a phobia about flying.
5) I realized that this famous scientist had documented and scientifically validated something
→ 입증하다, 인증하다, 승인하다
ex) validate a treaty
위스콘신대학교 한국대표
02. 548. 0570