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작성자 관리자 작성일21-02-23 10:42 조회3,324회 댓글0건


안녕하세요:) 위스콘신대학교 한국대표입니다. 


오늘도 TED 영상을 통해 

영어문구를 한번 학습해보도록 하겠습니다 


:: Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume








[TED 영단어]                 

1) My colleagues and I created very official terms to describe two distinct categories of candidates.

→ 뚜렷한, 분명한,  확실한, 분명한

ex) There was a distinct smell of gas.


2) And we call B "the Scrapper," the one who had to fight against tremendous odds to get to the same point.

→ 엄청난, 굉장한, 대단한

ex) It was a tremendous experience.


3) Before I was born, my father was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia,

→ 피해망상적인, 편집성의, 편집증적인, 편집증 환자의

ex) She's getting really paranoid about what other people say about her.


4) Many of them had experienced early hardships, anywhere from poverty,

→ 가난, 빈곤

ex) conditions of abject/extreme poverty


5) But before my human resources certification gets revoked

→ 폐지[철회/취소]하다. 



위스콘신대학교 한국대표

02. 548. 0570