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작성자 관리자 작성일21-02-15 17:34 조회3,322회 댓글0건


안녕하세요:) 위스콘신대학교 한국대표입니다. 


오늘도 TED 영상을 통해 

영어문구를 한번 학습해보도록 하겠습니다. 


::  How I brought a river, and my city, back to life





[ TED 영단어 ]


1) I approach and practice architecture: the Fez River Rehabilitation Project.

→ 다가가다, 접촉하다

ex) Winter is approaching.


2) My hometown of Fez, Morocco, boasts one of the largest walled medieval cities in the world, called the medina, nestled in a river valley.

→ 따뜻이 앉다[눕다] 

ex) He nestled the baby in his arms.


3) This process of erasure was coupled with the destruction of many houses along the river banks to be able to make machinaries enter the narrow pedestrian network of the medina.

→ 보행자/ 보행자용의

ex) Pedestrian accidents are down by 5%.


4) This plaza used to be a chaotic transportation hub that actually compromised the urban integrity of the medina

→ 타협[절충](내용), 절충해서 나온 것

ex) In any relationship, you have to make compromises.


5) It was for us to take our design ego and our sense of authorship

→ 자부심; 자존심, 자아

ex) He has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met.



위스콘신대학교 한국대표

02. 548. 0570