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작성자 관리자 작성일21-02-10 17:46 조회3,370회 댓글0건


안녕하세요:) 위스콘신대학교 한국대표입니다. 


오늘도 TED 영상을 통해 

영어문구를 한번 학습해보도록 하겠습니다. 


::  How movies teach manhood 





[ TED 영단어 ]


1) It gave her a great excuse to wear a sparkly dress and carry a wand.

→ 변명, 이유, 구실, 핑계 거리

ex) Late again! What's your excuse this time?


2) Are they absorbing the story that a male hero's job is to defeat the villain with violence and then collect the reward,

→ 폭행, 폭력, 격렬함, 맹렬함

ex) Violence broke out/erupted inside the prison last night.


3) The monkeys are rather aggressive, as are the apple trees.

→ 공격적인

ex) He gets aggressive when he's drunk.


4) The Wizard of Oz" to me is that all of the most heroic and wise and even villainous characters are female.

→ 영웅적인, 용감무쌍한, 투지 넘치는

ex) a heroic figure


5) They are doing a phenomenal job of teaching girls how to defend against the patriarchy,

→ 경이적인, 경탄스러운

ex) The product has been a phenomenal success


위스콘신대학교 한국대표

02. 548. 0570